A.I.-Powered Resources For Teaching


With many students struggling during and after the global pandemic, as evidenced by declines in academic performance, and increases in mental health issues, suicide ideation, and dropout rates, there is a growing emphasis on providing real-world learning experiences, social-emotional learning, 21st Century skills, and parent and community engagement. All are vital not only for students’ academic success today, but also to prepare them for challenges they will face in the future.

There are two challenging areas in this situation:

  1. Educational Programs: In many educational programs, there is a disconnect between academic learning, the real-world needs, interests, and concerns of students, and the engagement of parents and the community.
  2. Time and Money: Due to the ever-increasing workload of educators, providing such an educational program in its most basic form requires a substantial amount of planning time and professional development for educators to implement them correctly. This can cost lots of time and money. Enhancements such as parent workshops, community action projects, and special events, requires even more planning time and professional development, making such programs even more time consuming and expensive.



Professor A.I.’s Teacher Pai is a comprehensive solution designed to address these challenges using the power of artificial intelligence. It is a groundbreaking platform that instantaneously generates tailored educational programs for students, and parents, based on the information provided by the educator. Each educational program is comprised of five types of activities:

  1. K-12 Lessons: Teacher Pai’s K-12 lessons are based on the user’s input to provide an appropriate, relevant, informative and engaging learning experience for students. Lessons are designed to develop students’ critical thinking, research, and executive function skills in the content area of a selected educational program.
  2. Parent Workshops: Teacher Pai’s parent workshops incorporate adult learning principles and are designed to equip parents with skills and knowledge to support their children’s educational journey, as well as their own continuing education.
  3. Community Action Projects: Teacher Pai guides the development of student-led action projects that engages their community to address a local social issue of concern.
  4. Special Events: Teacher Pai guides the development of student performances that creatively showcase their learning experience in the selected educational program.
  5. Professional Development: Teacher Pai includes built-in guides for educators to ensure lessons are highly engaging, have fidelity to the educational program and comply with state standards; Teacher Pai also includes an implementation timeline to help educators keep pace with the educational program plan each semester.



The core of Professor A.I.’s Teacher Pai is its artificial intelligence engine, which powers the platform’s various features designed around the Community Change Framework, Format and Models. This A.I. engine processes the information provided by its users to generate individualized suggestions, resulting in innovative lesson plans and workshops. These activities progressively lead to community projects and special events that are directly linked to the chosen educational program. Additionally, the A.I. engine allows the platform to adapt and respond to the shifting needs, interests, and concerns of its users, ensuring a genuinely dynamic and reactive learning journey.



Teacher Pai is designed to develop educational programs in the following content areas:

  • 21st Century Skills and Social-Emotional Learning Skills
  • Career Awareness/Career Explorations/Career Development/Job Readiness
  • Civic Engagement/Community Service/Service Learning
  • Culinary Arts
  • Cultural Awareness/Diversity, Belonging, Equity & Inclusion
  • Financial Literacy
  • Relationship Education/Restorative Practices/Conflict Management



Presently, Professor A.I. has nine educational programs. Each educational program is identified as a model that integrates the Community Change Framework and Format, and can be easily customized to suit the learning needs, interests and concerns of educators, students, and parents. Each educational program can span up to two semesters.

  1. CareerVisions: Students learn about various dimensions of professions.
  2. Community Change: Students analyze and address their societal concerns.
  3. Foodpreneurs: Students learn about different aspects of the food industry.
  4. Legacy: Students learn about different cultures.
  5. The Black Experience: Students learn about the various dimensions and perspectives of the Black Experience.
  6. The Latino Experience: Students learn about the various dimensions and perspectives of the Latino Experience.
  7. Mastery: Students learn to develop their 21st Century and social-emotional skills in their areas of interest.
  8. Money Move$: Students learn about investment and money management.
  9. Peace: Students learn about healthy relationships and managing conflicts.


Empower Teachers!
Engage Students!
Engage Parents & the Community!
Save Time and Money! 

A.I.-Powered K-12 SEL Lessons
& Parent Workshops

Use artificial intelligence to create customized, project-based SEL educational programs in seconds, giving educators more time to focus on teaching and other important tasks.

How it Works